How to Attach an Artificial Turf Runner to Concrete for Your Event
Posted by Gabrielle Alyse on

The most important thing to clarify first, is there's a big difference between landscaping with artificial grass as a permanent installation, and fastening a piece of artificial turf on concrete for a temporary event.
What I'm recommending in this article is based on the expectation that you're wanting to fasten an Artificial Turf Runner to a concrete surface or something similar, for the purpose of decorating an event temporarily. If you're looking for landscaping solutions like covering your concrete patio with artificial grass, then this article won't be helpful to you.
And in that case, you might prefer to learn about permanent installation from these artificial grass experts. They can help you get started with artificial lawns.
What glue do I use to stick artificial grass to concrete?
If you have an Artificial Turf Runner that you want to fasten to concrete (or another hard surface) for your event, we actually recommend you use double sided tape. This simple process makes sure your turf doesn't get damaged, while helping the runner stay in place.
You'll also need some duct tape, to help attach the double sided tape to your runner, before securing it to the concrete. While we're going over supplies, it'll help to have a broom handy. That way you can sweep the area where you'll be placing the turf runner.
So to recap, you need:
- an Artificial Turf Runner
- duct tape
- heavy duty double-sided tape
- scissors
- a broom
If you don't already have the supplies you need, you can easily find them at your local hardware store.
How to attach event turf to a hard surface, for temporary decoration
Before your event: If you bought an Artificial Turf Runner from House Home & More, it'll be shipped to you folded up in a box. So there might be a few wrinkles along the lines where it was folded.
A couple days before your event, unfold the runner and lay it out in the sun - the heat will help the wrinkles smooth out. Then you'll have a nice and flat runner ready for the big day! If you need to transport the runner to the venue, roll it up so it stays smooth and new folding wrinkles don't form.
Day of your event: attaching the runner to a hard surface
- Prepping the surface - Sweep the area to remove any dirt and debris where you'll be laying down your turf runner. This provides a more receptive surface for the sticky double-sided tape.
- Placing your turf runner down – Just roll it out! If you're worried about last-minute wrinkles, give your runner a good hard shake too.
- Applying the duct tape – Fold back the end of your turf runner and apply a 6-7 inch piece of duct tape to the back of your turf runner (along the edge works best). This will serve as a smooth surface to apply your double-sided tape to. Applying this duct tape will also protect the backing on your turf runner, extending its lifetime.
- Applying the heavy duty double-sided tape - Next, you're going to place a piece of the double-sided tape directly over the duct tape that's on the back of the turf runner. Your piece of double sided carpet tape should be smaller than your piece of duct tape, so 5-6 inches long.
- Secure the runner to the surface – Apply pressure to the taped areas with your hands or by walking along the line you placed the tape on. This will force the tape to adhere to the hard surface.
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 – Continue this process at both ends of your turf runner and approximately every 5 feet or so on both sides of the runner.

Like with any adhesive, temperature may play a role in how well or not the double-sided tape adheres to your surface. So please be sure to plan accordingly. If you're in a cold weather situation, you might want to use a few extra pieces of tape.
How to store your runner when you're not using it
The added bonus of owning your own Artificial Turf Runner is being able to use it more than once. After your event is over, you'll want to store it somewhere safe, so it can be in good condition for your next event!
Here's our recommended method of cleaning your turf runner, and how to store it:
- Cleaning the turf runner – simply sweep it off to remove any dirt or debris. Or hose it off to wash away any remnants of spilled drinks. Leave it in place to dry if you do decide a hosing off is in order.
- Removing the turf runner – Once your turf runner is completely dry, pull it back and remove only the double-sided tape. Leave the duct tape for the next time's use, protecting the backing of your runner.
- Storing your runner – Fold it up if you want to fit the turf runner in a compact place. If you want to minimize wrinkles, then roll the runner and lay it on its side, using a shelf for storage.
Last note: for most surfaces the double sided tape will not leave a residue. But if by chance it does, you can use an adhesive cleaner such as Goo Gone.
What events should I use an Artificial Turf Runner for?
Anytime you're hosting an event and you want the look of real grass without the dirt, artificial turf is a helpful solution. Event turf is lightweight, so it's easy to transport, and you could even use it indoors.
If you have a booth at a farmers market, or a trade show, you could decorate it with an Artificial Turf Runner. Some people use them to create a grassy walkway leading to their booth. Others use them as something to decorate their table.
Weddings are another popular event to use artificial turf for. That said, we don't recommend using a turf runner to line your aisle. It's better to use an Outdoor Carpet Runner, since it doesn't carry even the smallest risk of snagging your wedding dress. For those who are curious, I'll point you to our article about using an aisle runner for an outdoor wedding ceremony.
Do you sell any other kinds of turf?
None of the turf we offer here is intended for permanent installation in your backyard. But we do carry many varieties!
Outdoor Turf Rugs are an excellent choice for camping, whether with a tent or RV. And they're good for picnics too.
Artificial Turf comes in two varieties. Event turf, which is super lightweight and best used for temporary decoration. And Spectrum turf, which can be used as a rug alongside your pool to protect your feet from hot concrete, or a patio rug. If you attach the spectrum turf to your pool deck following our instructions above, you'll be able to create an extra slip-free surface for anyone with wet feet.

There's a complete guide to the ins and outs of these types of artificial turf. If you're in the market for turf, it's a great place to start.